Sinusitis and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Your sinuses are the hollow spaces in the bones around your nose. They are lined with cells which form the mucous membrane and are covered with a thin layer of mucus. Mucus plays an important part in capturing particles and germs that enter through our nose and helps moisten the air that we breathe in.   

There are four main pairs (one on each side) of sinuses: 

  • Frontal sinuses – located just above your eyebrows, in your forehead 
  • Sphenoid sinuses – located behind your eyes 
  • Ethmoid sinuses – found between your eyes 
  • Maxillary sinuses – or check sinuses, the largest sinuses, and are found on either side of your nose, just above your jaw 

Common sinus complaints such as blocked sinuses are often managed by GPs; however, ongoing sinus conditions should be seen by an ENT specialist like Dr Francis Hall.   

What are Sinus Infection symptoms?

Common sinus infection symptoms include sinus pain and congestion, discoloured mucus and feeling unwell. This condition is usually called acute sinusitis and is most often caused by a viral infection such as the common cold. Acute sinusitis can usually be cured with rest, drinking plenty of fluids and sometimes prescribed antibiotics.   

However, if your sinus infection lasts for 3 months or more, you have chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis occurs when there is poor drainage of the sinuses due to a blockage in the sinus drainage pathways. This leads to a build-up of mucus which increases the risk of recurrent sinus infections. These ongoing infections can also damage the lining of the sinus, which perpetuates this cycle, resulting in chronic sinusitis.   

Chronic sinusitis symptoms include nasal congestion and discomfort, a decreased sense of smell and discoloured mucus.    

Sinusitis and Sinus Infection treatment

Sinus infection treatment depends on the condition of your sinusitis. As stated above, acute sinusitis can usually be treated with rest, drinking plenty of fluids and sometimes prescribed antibiotics.  

Treatment for chronic sinusitis can differ depending on the severity and cause of the condition. Steroid nasal spray, saline sinus, antibiotics and sometimes steroid tablets (prednisone) are usually prescribed to treat mild chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis caused by hay fever (allergic rhinitis) can often be treated with antihistamines, nasal steroids or immunotherapy. If your chronic sinusitis persists and the medical treatment is not effective, sinus surgery performed by Dr. Hall may be necessary.   

What is endoscopic sinus surgery?

The most common procedure to help with sinusitis is Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). This procedure is done by inserting a small endoscope (camera) through the nasal cavity. During FESS, any blocked or small sinus openings will be widened, improving sinus drainage. Polyps, pus and unhealthy sinus tissue are removed. FESS is often combined with surgery such as septoplasty and/or turbinoplasty, with the aim to improve airflow through the nose. Endoscopic sinus surgery also helps nasal sprays to reach the sinuses.  

Dr. Hall and sinus surgery

We understand that dealing with constant sinus infections and sinusitis can be frustrating and negatively impact your quality of life. Dr. Hall has vast experience in dealing with sinus issues and has completed many endoscopic sinus surgeries in the past. 

If you are experiencing problems with your Sinuses,
contact us on (09) 281 2963 or
book a consultation online.